Land of Hidden Fires
Grenzland Press (2017)
Kirk Kjeldsen
Occupied Norway, 1943. After seeing an allied plane go down over the mountains, headstrong fifteen-year-old Kari Dahlstrøm sets out to locate the wreck. She soon finds the cocky American pilot Lance Mahurin and offers to take him to Sweden, pretending she’s a member of the resistance. While her widower father Erling and the disillusioned Nazi Oberleutnant Conrad Moltke hunt them down, Kari begins to fall for Lance, dreaming of a life with him in America. Over the course of the harrowing journey, though, Kari learns hard truths about those around her as well as discovering unforeseen depths within herself.
Our cover cooks approached this literary thriller with an eminently typographic design integrated with photographs of the Norweigian landscape to evince the winter atmosphere in which the reader will be immersed. By simply rotating the snowy landscape, the image becomes an abstract frame that adds dramatism to the cover. The added detail of a Republic P-47 Thunderbolt fighter aircraft, leaving "a novel" in its smoke trail, evokes the WWII theme with the same lyricism and descriptive writing style that pervades the novel.