Warm-hearted parents: the parenting style that is best for your child's mental health, happiness and well-being based on the new norwegian research
Dr. Silje Skaug Stokke
Panta Forlag (2022)
Here's the most important, eye-opening parenting advice from the new Norwegian research. Parents who show warm-heartedness have children who end up happier, healthier and with fewer mental health problems. But what does warm-heartedness mean in practice? How do you make it happen in your busy life? This book shows you exactly which interventions have a huge positive impact on how children turn out, according to research. Suitable for parents and caregivers of children from the earliest years up to 10-12 years of age, international research confirms the Norwegian findings: Children do better at school and get along better with their peers. You will get concrete advice with practical things you can do, as well as insights you can use in a busy and demanding everyday life. There are also opportunities for you to read some chapters together with your children. What better gift could you give yourself and your children than the knowledge that leads to fewer mental health problems later on, and makes your children happier and healthier? Silje Skaug Stokke is a PhD in developmental psychology and a researcher at NTNU.