El Ruido del Fin del Mundo
Leticia Martín Hernández
Ediciones Emehache (2020)
Mystery Science Fiction
With heavy doses of mystery, a few dystopian touches and a dash of American West folklore, El Ruido del Fin del Mundo follows the lives of two characters existing along different timelines. Lucinda Morrison – whose universe has been reduced to a settlement of caravans surrounded by a barren desert – does not know how the world ended. Malvin Ross does not know that the end of the world is near, neither does the rest of the bustling city where he lives. Her past is his future, the two of which intertwine following the murder of a man from the future and the disappearance of a woman from the past.
A car wreck, rusting away in the desert, sets the tone for El Ruido del Fin del Mundo's dystopian universe. While the author requested separating the book's title from the car, our cover cooks encouraged her to make it part of the wreck itself; creating typographic remnants of Lucinda's diminished world.