Great Expatations
Monsoon (2012)
The uniquely Singaporean culture that locals have normalized, such as the curious fondness for acronyms and queuing, the strange practice of reserving tables with packets of tissue paper, and the Singlish conundrum is what Singapore's expat community has learnt to embrace and even come to love. Great Expatations peels away the many layers that make up the vibrant, sunny island from an expat's point of view. Featuring contributors of varied nationalities, ages, and professions, they share their experiences with open honesty and light-heartedness that amuse and delight fellow expats who have had similar experiences, and offer Singaporeans a whole new perspective of their local way of life.
Matching the witty and humorous flavor in the book, the design recipe throws the title scrambling across the cover and over a skyline of iconic Singaporean landmarks. The nocturnal illustration concept owes to the crescent moon as a prominent symbol of the national flag of Singapore.