Los Lobos Cambian El Río
Francesc Miralles
Ediciones Obelisco (2021)

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Translating to 'the wolves change the river', the title mimics that of an online video that went viral showcasing the top-down cascade effect of wolfs reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park. The presence of wolves changed the behavior of large grazers, allowing vegetation to grow, increasing biodiversity and ultimately, reshaping the park’s rivers.

In this intimate and enlightening reference book in the field of personal development, the author discusses the unexpected teachers that shape the course of our lives and explores the origins of creativity, love, spirituality, writing and the art of living.

For this design, our cover cooks' main challenge was to create a cover connected to the title without the depiction of either wolves or rivers as they could mislead readers to perceiving an ecological message. The use of river pebbles – tokens of humanity that invoke ancestral tools, spirituality, travel and creativity – circumvented the issue as they still relate to the title, serving as metaphorical milestones in the passage of life, meandering across the cover towards wisdom, from the rough and angular beginnings to a round and smooth end. The handwritten title, which adds to the candid tone of the memoir, took our cover cooks dozens of attempts but ultimately used the very first draft as its spontaneity was impossible to replicate.


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