La Trampa
Raabe, Melanie
Penguin Random House (2015)

After Anna's death, whose case remains unsolved, Linda secludes herself in an isolated house on the shores of a lake. To everyone, she is the mysterious writer who shuns society. She never goes out or gives interviews. But the moment she recognizes the journalist and correspondent Victor Lenzen on television, she begins to set him up. To find out. To hunt him down.

The Trap is one of those books that you devour. A growing intrigue, a novel within a novel, a story of love and hate. An intense, captivating and intelligent psychological thriller that aroused the interest of international publishers even before its publication.

To set the menacing tone, a peeling window frame engulfs the book's cover and offers a glimpse into the isolated house, the lake's reflection barely visible in the smudged glass. Linda herself is seen standing in the window, carefully watching the outside world like a predator, patiently waiting for her prey, Victor Lenzen, to fall into her trap.


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