20 Passos cap Endavant
Jorge Bucay
RBA La Magrana (2007)
Jorge Bucay is an Argentinian gestalt psychotherapist, psychodramatist, and author of dozens of books on self-knowledge and psychology, including the bestselling Déjame que te cuente. Over the decades, Bucay has searched through philosophical thought and the folk wisdom of storytelling to find the teachings on how to face the challenges of life. This Catalan edition of 20 pasos hacia adelante reveals that the ideas of 'you should not' or 'you can not' most of the time belong only to another past self, who could not, did not know, or did not want to know.
The illustration of a woman watering the stem she is walking on to grow another leaf before moving forward epitomizes the message within the book; emphasizing the importance of the ‘I can’ before ‘I want’ and taking the first steps towards internal growth by accepting the challenge to discover our true selves.