El Sentido del Humor
Eduardo Jáuregui
RBA (2007)
Do you feel stressed out, bored by the daily routine, or do you think the world sucks? What you need is The Sense of Humor. Spanish Psychologist Eduardo Jáuregui, brings us the key ingredient to turn our lives from tragedy into a comedy. This scrumptious reference book is a necessary 'user's guide' to make the most of that invaluable biological mechanism that so many people seem to have relegated to the back room of consciousness: their natural ability to laugh, play and enjoy life. Based on scientific research and packed with hilarious examples and practical exercises, this manual will allow you to dust off, unclog and put your rusty sense of humor to work, understand all its mysteries, apply it to life and work with the naturalness of the wisest jester.
The subtitle, describing the book as an instruction manual, inspired our cover cooks' visual jest: giving assembly instructions for the world’s most ubiquitous and simple emoticon. In fact, the smiley was created by an American graphic designer in the 1960s to raise morale among the employees of an insurance company, much in the same way this book tries to cheer us up through humor.