Alan Lewrie Naval Adventures Series
Dewey Lambdin
Canelo (2018-2020)
Classics Historical Adventure
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Alan Lewrie didn’t intend to join the Royal Navy and become a hero for king and country, but got “Impressed” in 1780 by his rakehell father, Sir Hugo St. George Willoughby, just before he was to inherit from his deceased mother’s side. Hard cheese for young Lewrie, being an official bastard and shoved in King’s Coat in the middle of the American Revolution, made a Midshipman at 17, and torn from his carousings, late-night partying, and the bosoms of willing young ladies. The Royal Navy may beat nautical knowledge and stern Duty into him, drag him kicking and screaming into harum-scarum, neck-or-nothing action, but give him but one day ashore, and Lewrie will usually find a way to get himself into trouble.
As this historical naval adventure is set in the late 1800s, our cover cooks created 3D renders of classic wooden ships complete with wind-filled white sails navigating the volatile high seas. From facing wild lighting storms and canon fire-filled battles to revelling in atmospheric skies at dusk, each cover design depicts one of the many adventures that take place during Alan Lewrie's time at sea.