The Edited Ganome Trilogy
Marcos Antonio Hernandez
Algorithmic Global (2020)
Science Fiction
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Desperate for money, two outcast women, Shada and Chloe, accept the consciousnesses of DNA-edited elites into their brains. Trapped inside their own minds, they discover a shocking final solution for the city’s unedited masses. They’re in a race against time to regain control of their bodies and take down the evil corporation before innocent lives are lost.
Where other books in the same genre delay messages within the story in favor of world-building, Hernandez gets straight to the point and lets the scene-setting and character embellishments unfold throughout. To mirror this concept and set the tone of this science fiction novel, the cover design presents a recipe that directly addresses genetic engineering and is devoid of excessive details. For each cover within the series, which consists of Awakening, Alternative and Absolution, each design presents a 3D rendering of a female android and a string of DNA as the sole ingredients, both of which are placed front and center.