Frontera Oscura
Sabino Cabeza
Minotauro (2020)
Science Fiction
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In the year 2560, mankind has managed to expand to eight thousand planets thanks to the anagravonic engines that allow Space-to-Space jumps. Captain Florence Schiaparelli, known in the Federal Fleet as Florence Half-Life, and the crew of the Banshee are on a mission to obtain as much data as possible from the black hole she has dubbed the Eye of God. But when they detect an unidentified ship trapped near the black hole's Event Horizon, Captain Schiaparelli must decide whether to risk losing everything to save the crew of the mysterious ship.
Translated to Dark Frontier and winner of the 2020 Minotauro Prize, Frontera Oscura explores the secrets of the universe and the inexhaustible curiosity of human beings to discover them. A classic science fiction novel, the storyline offers a perfect balance between plot, action, philosophy and science. To capture the theme, our cover cooks presented a calm science fiction-focused recipe with the Captain as the central ingredient. Fully dressed in her spacesuit, Captain Schiaparelli is seen looking contemplatively out towards the black hole, referred to as the Eye of God, in front of her. While most of the cover is set in grayscale, the Captain's face is in color to highlight her humanity. The reflection of the black hole and the stars that surround it can also be clearly seen in brilliant shades of yellowish-orange.