Carmen Domingo
Storytel (2019)
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Eight days before she died, Frida Kahlo picked up her brushes for the last time and wrote on the red flesh of a watermelon: 'Viva la vida'. A few months before, her right leg had been amputated, and now, she felt how her strength was disappearing forever, how her life was moving away from her. This last still life was not accidental, it was her final farewell, colorful and optimistic, as she was, despite the setbacks that life had been giving her until then. This mixture of suffering and overcoming, of joy even in pain that the Mexican painter brings us closer to, is the one that permeates all her work and accompanies her entire life. A life marked moreover by the dependent relationship she maintained with Diego Rivera, the famous Mexican muralist. Carmen Domingo presents an intimate account of Frida Kahlo's last months, brought to life through the voice of Cecilia Toussaint.
Known for her many portraits, self-portraits, and works inspired by the nature and artifacts of Mexico, our cover cooks simmered an illustrated bust of the Mexcian painter featuring her iconic unibrow, statement jewelry, and a bright red flower in her hair. The rich color contrasts, sharp curves and angles, and uneven textures bring a vibrant flair to the audiobook's cover reminiscent of the artist's final painting Viva la Vida, Watermelons. The hand-painted treatment of the title completes the cover design as if it was signed by the artist herself.