Kokoro: Hints and Echoes
of Japanese Inner Life
Lafcadio Hearn
Tuttle (2017)

As an interpreter of 19th-century Japan to the West, Lafcadio Hearn was without parallel in his time. In Kokoro, his 15 collected essays examine the inner spiritual life of Japan. Sometimes touching and always compelling, the writings here tell the stories of the people and social codes that make Japan the unique place it is. Today, even though Japan has changed greatly from what it was when he wrote about it, his writing is still valid, for it captures the essence of the country–an essence that has actually changed a good deal less than outward appearances might suggest.

The cover design evokes the vividness of the author’s descriptions through an ukiyo-e print that depicts social life bustling around a blooming sakura tree. The washed out shades of crimson and blue imbue the cover with a savor of old-time Japan.


A Scandal in Bohemia