Tienes Hasta Las 10
Francisco Castro
Suma (2016)
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In this semi-biographical story of intrigue and suspense, Francisco Castro builds a plot that contains, in turn, many different stories. Through emails, letters and other types of mysterious and surprising clues, the protagonist's own father after death, or someone who impersonates him, will force him to investigate a terrible event from the past that has not yet been resolved. Mysterious books, revenge from beyond, love stories that must remain hidden, and a whole set of plots trace not only the recent history of Spain and Galicia but also the hearts of true lovers.
The cover design for this dizzying adventure – full of intrigue, mysteries, forbidden relationships and revenge – draws inspiration from traditional still lifes rendered in an Intimist style that conveys the plurality of stories coalescing to form an individual narrative. The book's cover frames a scene where the title is formed by the spines of stacked books and a vintage alarm clock, each representative of the different stories within the book's pages.