Die and Retry
Will Gothard
Young Adult
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The year is 2025 and 16-year-old Dylan leads a double life. Offline he’s an anxious schoolboy. Online he’s a reckless video gaming addict and virtual world risk-taker who is used to winning. When Dylan kills in the real world he has a choice to make: accept what he did and live with it, or, risk everything, go to the afterlife and bring back that soul! Suddenly, all our souls are at stake and Dylan armed with just a hand full of weaponised potatoes is our only hope to prevent a reboot of the universe.
The design recipe for this debut young adult high-fantasy with a piquant of political and social satire is a mash-up of a Biblical allegory that bucks the illusion of good and evil and an 80’s video game arcade that addresses the real-life problem of gaming addiction without dominating the design. The homemade confection of colors tempts young readers, particularly female. Dwelling the composition are elements and characters from the afterlife, where the Office Space Hell uses a psychedelic romp of flying lamb assassins to steal souls from Heaven. The design for the hardcover case shows only the title against static noise; by removing the dust jacket, readers can open a portal into the afterlife.