Od & Ed
Shanti Leonard
Young Adult
Featured in
October 1988. In a moment of desperation, Odlyn Perfect presses the button set deep in the ruddy-black wood of the scarebox, but instead of providing an end to the chaos, it frightens Edwyn Perfect’s soul out of his body. Now Ed’s Body can still walk and talk, but it won’t leave the graveyard. Odhas tried everything and is running out of ideas; until she sees a gravestone that reminds her of a strange classmate, Loney. Loney Scrobe knows a lot of unusual things, and Od thinks he might be able to help. But enlisting that help comes with his even weirder and ill-intentioned family, a homemade needle-gun, digital labyrinths of haunting houses, and rumors of darkness. Od’s not sure if she can trust Loney, but she only has one night to put Ed back together again.
The in-house cover illustration of this suburban dark fantasy smacks of Bradbury’s whimsical style; topped with seeping, modern lettering as an eerie miasma billows out from the bowels of the house. The author had a hard time choosing from an array of color iterations with different, equally tasty visual flavors. A dark chocolate version without the miasma made it onto the hardcover edition as a murky prelude to the chilling turn happening on the dust jacket.