Where They Burn Books,
They Also Burn People
Marcos Hernandez
Algorithmic Global (2021)
Historical Magical Realism
Featured in
Series Illustration-based
Comprising of three books, Marcos Hernandez's Hispanic American Heritage Stories collection was inaugurated with The Education of a Wetback. Where They Burn Books is the next installment and follows a fictionalized account of Diego de Landa’s Maya inquisition. Chronicling his thirteen years in the Yucatan, the novel ends with the infamous book burning event of July 1562, during which he held a public ceremony for the indigenous people. They Also Burn People takes place in a modern, unspecified city in 2010. Cortez Vuscar, a solitary young man and Diego de Landa’s descendant, is determined to save his struggling church. Adrift and wandering into the more affluent streets, he becomes enraptured by the beautiful Alara Chel and sets out to win her from her wealthy and unfaithful boyfriend. But his fascination with the famous literature the young woman is reading infects his mind with a deadly descent into madness. Where They Burn Books, They Also Burn People is the gripping combination of the first two books, interweaving past and present.
For the cover designs, the author was craving a recipe that resonated with the visual style of the first installment. Initially, he requested three different cover designs, however, since the straight alternation of the chapters in Where They Burn Books and They Also Burn People creates Where They Burn Books, They Also Burn People, our cover cook suggested the challenging idea of distilling two covers that when combined created a new design for the third.